Saturday, August 22, 2015


“Being Tied Up Naked” He was surrounded with luxury, draped in fine soft silk and fed delicious delicacies by Roula the princess of Vastious. Roula sat before him in the buff. Her nude body stretched across the couch blocking his view of the rest of the room. The curve of her hip cast a silhouette across the ceiling as the roaring fire sent light cascading across her body as if flames of sunlight were rising penetrating the darkness over the mountains of her breasts and thighs. The fire lashed its tongue and the echoes of pain pierced the air with arrogant blood-red light in the dying night. The flames reached like hungry hands across the seductive darkness of the room. The taste of cinnamon flavored the mouth with savor, igniting a sinister, salacious desire. The cinnamon was the sin of a man and a woman, smooth and inviting to the touch. The heat that was brewing was scent into the atmosphere like a signal in the breathy sighs of her singing. Her mouth was wet and enticing she shoved sweets into his mouth with icing. The hot kisses cajoled him to trust a woman. Some par to of Ateasis wanted to let her in. To trust a woman such as this one would be a great sin to him. He forced is fierce seething emotions deep within and vowed never to trust a woman. The peels of pleasant laughter rose from her heaving breasts as her body shook with constant restlessness. He almost forgot he was a captive in Vastious and allowed himself to drift away. The oils that they had used to shellac his skin were hallucinogens that were getting the best of him. He could not stay conscious in this room filled with delusional ointments and incense emotion. It was almost as if someone had given his a love potion. Now Roula danced for him and he became lost in a rhythmic motion. His heart raced with fear and lust as he was caught in a frustrated commotion. Where there was once resistance there was now willingness and emotion. Cereel and Etherial approach the tower near the royal palace of Vastious to obtain information about the prince, by persuasion and tender enticement.
“Go to the palace guard on at the wall and seduce him Cereel.” “And you go give your soft caresses to the guard at the palace gate Etherial.” “Shhh, go and we will meet inside the palace walls at midnight!” “Why good evening to you. How would you like to take a break, with me?” “What, I am royal guard of Vastious, I must stand my post.” “I am woman that thirst and desires the touch of strong hands in the night.” “You whisper so softly in my ears. Come with me there is a place you can scream!” “Take me there now!” “Who’s that over there another maiden filled with lust for us.” “Oh just let them leave together, it won’t take long for them to finish.” “I have an idea. Let’s all four of us go to the river together?” “Whatever, you wish or desire I will fulfill for you my strong handsome one.” “And what is your name young maiden?” “Umm, aha, Luna…” “And yours miLady?” “Oh, ah, Vera!” “So, it Vera and Luna tonight, we unite, four become one by the river!” “If that is your deepest desire let it be said and done.” “Run with us in the night as wild and free as the firelight!” “Here we are at the river do with us as you must men!” “First we have to take off this heavy uniform and armor.” “And we must strip away these tight laced corsets and dresses.” “Ah, the sight of you does things to us both!” “Oh, come near to our quivering flesh and feel out lips caress.” “Your kisses light me afire maiden, but now I feel so weak…” “As do I…as if I am frail and drunk with the ways of a woman…” “That is because you have just imbibed the weakening antidote to the formula!” “What’s happening to my numb arms and legs…?” “Just fall to your knees before us boys, and sleep, sleep like babies!” “Please don’t kill us with your poison, maidens.” “You will die unless you tell us where the prince of Fluria is captured.” “Will you give us the antidote if we tell you…?” “Yes, and you won’t die you will just be relieved of all of your strength.” “The prince of Fluria is being held in the palace not the tower of torture.” “Cereel put on the uniform and the armor and but the dresses on them.” “Then what?” “We will take the guards’ place at the palace wall.” “Now that we hurried back to the wall and hid the sleeping guards now what?” “We will go inside the palace in their uniforms and talk to other guards.” When the two sisters infiltrated the gates of the palace of Vastious they quickly found more guards to talk to. First they gave them a bit of the potion that weaken the flesh. Then they drew information out of them. Soon the two sisters had found out that prince Ateasis of Fluria was locked inside the royal chamber of princess Roula. Then they were informed that the Windsbury twins had also been captured and locked inside the royal palace. They would be kept there to interpret the dreams of everyone in Pleth-Era and deliver the results to the royals of Vastious. The long halls of the palace at Vastious were covered with portraits of the royals. Some of the faces seemed familiar. The two sisters tore through the halls until they arrived at the room where they were told the prince lay in wait. Now they had a decision to make. Would they risk everything to save the prince and leave the Windsbury twins behind? For if they blew their cover rescuing the prince then they would not have the opportunity to save the twin sisters Chalice and Chalicetea. They decided swiftly that they would cross that bridge when they get to it. Now they found themselves at the gold leafed door that led to princess Roula’s bedchambers. There was no guard at the post because Cereel had lured him away and given him the potion while Etherial had approach the door. There was nothing to stop Etherials entrance into the bedchamber except the lock on the door. Dressed as soldiers and distorting their feminine voices they would simply knock and ask the guard or person on the inside to let them in. Cereel and Etherial stood side by side as they both knocked on the door. There was a quiet and inviting answer to their beckoning. It was the powerful voice of princess Roula of Vastious. She wanted to know who was at the door at such a late hour in the night. Cereel answered in the voice and authority of a soldier or palace guard saying had been asked to deliver a letter of great importance. She opened the door draped in crimson silk gathered at her bosom where she grasped the fabric as if she was holding her heart. Princess Roula was so trusting when she opened the door. Covered in the golden perspiration of a labor of love. She had hoped to bring life into the world and fill her womb with the hope of an empire to rise again. Vastious was caught up in her grasp. The two girls disguised as guards could now look over Roula’s shoulder and see into the room where the prince was captive. The fire danced with eager energy. The darkness evaded the light and covered his near naked flesh. His skin glistened in the dim anxious ruffles of candlelight that graced his face and his panting chest. The prince wore something of a stoic express on his face like a man dazed and confused. His eyes drifted across the room to glare at the guards as he turned his head to look at them. Now he sat up and his ears seemed to be pricked by the words that were spoken. Somehow he recognized something very familiar about the soldier at the door. Cereel and Etherial had devised a plan. They slipped Flurian royal language into their speech patterns. Only a servant at the Flurian royal palace could understand or one of the royals. There was certain terminology that was used to refer to the king and prince. The prince was called the “One Aloof.” His favorite color was vermilion and his favorite fruit to eat was pomegranate. When the special signal was given to the prince of Fluria to evacuate the palace he was told to “pick up the leaf.” Cereel said a few sentences containing these buzz words repeatedly. Immediately, the prince recognized that someone had come to rescue him. He had only been pretending to be chained to the couch. In actuality he had picked the lock in the first hour of being captured. The only problem now was that the prince was completely nude and physically exasperated from the labors of love forced on him. The princess soon agreed with the guards. She was told to leave the chamber and meet with the royal adviser at the opposite end of the royal palace. Roula turned around tirelessly with a wicked sense of rhythmic elegance. She allowed the crimson garment to fall from her body as she closed the door. Roula dressed while casting dangerous and delighted stares across the room at the prince whom she thought was still tied up on the couch. She bid him goodbye with a flirtatious kiss. Now she was dressed in a loose fitting garment as she draped a heavy velvet cloak of deep amber and gold buttons over her dress. When Roula had finally left the room and was being escorted by Etherial. She slipped her some of the sleeping potion and allowed the princess of Vastious to rest in a large chair in one of the adjacent rooms. She shut the door and locked Roula inside the empty corridor. Now Cereel and Etherial were inside the room with the fatigued and disoriented prince Ateasis. He did not stop and take the opportunity to tell them that they had risked their lives for a eunuch, which was no more than a holy servant himself. He dressed himself in the clothes that they had given him. Etherial had not but both of the dresses on the palace guards. She had thought the armor to be too scratchy and but her own loose fitting dress back on to shield herself from the rough feel of the enemy. Now she stripped away the layers and revealed herself to the prince. Removing her dress she tossed it across the room as the prince looked on in shock and dismay. He was instructed to but the dress on and they would fashion him as a maiden of Vastious. There were no garments of any kind left in the room by Roula. She wanted to handicap the prince with his embarrassing nakedness. Then Etherial told the rest of her idea. First, they would adorn the prince in the attire of a maiden. Then they would cover him in bed sheets and wheel him out of the palace as laundry. If they got stopped and questioned they would have a great excuse. They were simply delivering the salacious gift of a young lusty maiden to one of the royals in secret! Then they would be quietly allowed to continue what they were doing unimpeded. Daring and unnerving perseverance is what the land of Fluria needed. The words of the king were powerful and heeded but action spoke louder than words. The land of Fluria would not be defeated. In the tombs beneath the royal palace of Fluria, the blood drinkers gathered to draw a plan of attack. “The king Deceites wants us to gather at the castle of Vastious tomorrow.” “We are not prepared for this battle Kumberving we will lose!” “Archfing we will win because of who is with us, our Savior!” “Don’t you think I have great faith as well!” “I know that you do, but there is still a lot of planning to do.” “Perhaps the Savior will help us plan tonight.” “By morning we must ride to reinforce the royal warriors of Fluria.” “Tonight we will gather out troops.” “Let’s not forget to send spies to scout out the lands around Vastious castle.” “That Kumbervings, has already been done, by two of our finest spies.” “Well, what did they find out?” “The fortress at Vastious is guarded by flaming pits of lava and acid.” “What else?” “The royal guards are skilled in lethal hand to hand combat.” “Ah, we can fight them with the spirit.” “The spirit is a spirit of love not hate or war.” “But this is a campaign to free a valiant and noble prince of sacred Fluria.” “What if the prince is just as corrupt as the rulers of Vastious?” “I was told in private the Ateasis is of the pure blood race of eunuchs.” “Then it’s settled we will mount and army of smallings and sneak inside Vastious.” “The king wants us to go charging like a pack of wild hunting dogs.” “That is lunacy, suicide even Archfings!” “And further more he wants us to take a formula.” “What formula?” “Here it is, it glows and shimmers in the darkness like a cat’s eye.” “What does the letter say?” “It says the formula will make us strong, even invincible in battle.” “What else does it say?” “The royal letter instructs us to go to the edge of the thorn vines.” “Then what Archfings?” “We will be led to the light of sunrise by a small girl.” “Doesn’t he know we worship the son but sear with boils in the rays of morning.” “The letter says that those of us with hairy flesh like wolves are called upon.” “Ah, the smallings, can come out in the day but despise the sun in their eyes.” “We shall have to tell him that we only attack at night!” “I will write the letter to him now.” “Why can’t he come down here and talk to us face to face?” “Maybe he fears us a bit too much.” “Well why as us to ally with him, if he cannot trust our honor?” “I suppose he is testing us to see if we will show to fight for Fluria.” “The letter says this potion cures the sensitivity to sunlight.” “Then the formula must be tested on a smallings tonight.” “Go and do as you must Kumberving!” The tombs beneath the royal palace of Fluria stirred with the energy and excitement often felt before a great battle. The smallings were given the formula sent down by Ellowis the scientist. ImmedIately, they began to transform. There sensitivity to direct light was almost nonexistent within a few hours, they did not feel the pangs of torment when they stood in the light. The tombs undulated with a reverberation of anxiousness and anticipation. The smallings now all gathered together. They were the young adolescent boys of the blood-drinking tomb dwellers. They had all just imbibed their chalices of red liquid heated to the temperature of fresh human blood. As the smallings guzzled down the red hot liquid they licked their lips and thirst for more. Soon they were eating the body. They sank their irregularly shaped long teeth into the buns of the body. Their deformed teeth tore at the body like bread and they hunger for more as they swallowed greedily. They worshiped the Son, the Savior of their weak and mistreated race of poor and exiled. They gave their lives for the Savior. They gave up their lives for the Son. They believed that he would come again and rescue them in many of the same ways that they would rescue the prince of Fluria. They were taught that sacrifice was love. They were taught that obedience was love. The smallings were not afraid of the darkness. They feared and revered the power of the Son and Father. The humbled in near blindness as they fell to their knees in reverence toward the Son at its full strength. The smalling lived for the day that they could truly stand in the light. The day of self-sacrifice was upon them. Soon they would win the respect and admiration of the royal warriors, the prince, the king, and the citizens of Fluria who once feared and hated them. There were many tomb dwellers who were now willing to drink the formula. This was their moment to shine. They would follow the thorny vine that led the to opening of the tombs and surface to face the sunlight for the first time in their lives. The excitement grew inside the heart of every smalling. The moment of triumph and valor would soon be upon them. Many smallings felt that it would be better to die in an honorable battle defending a land that has always shunned them than it would be to die in the palace tombs never having truly seen the light. The first taste of sunrise would linger in their mouths like the sweetness of summer honeysuckle. The touch of the thorny vine that led them to the light was like the feel of pure love and light piercing to the heart. The scent of fresh morning dew was wet on the leaves of the trees. As the leaves were shaken from the branches they seemed to bow respectfully to the smallings that emerged that early morning in the dim light of new sunrise. The sun was making tiny wounds in the skin of the sky. The rays cut into the fading darkness that was now smeared with the color of blood. The sound of horsemen gathering in the near distance echoed in the smallings ears. They would stand tall on foot and on horseback on this day. The royal warriors took notice of the gathering of smallings and spoke to them as soldiers ready for battle. They were outfitted and suited with chain mail armor.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


SHORT EROTIC ROMANCE STORY Imprint: Erotic Romance Fetish Sex Stories & Erotic Photography Gallery Romantic Introduction: Dick and Fionna were captured in a passionate kiss. Her soft wet feminine lips met his strong masculine flesh in the loving desire of the kiss. They were a beautiful newly wed couple. When they came together to write their unbridled passion was released on the page. They met at a nudist colony party for couples deep inside the wild untamed woods of Pussycat Ridge. The couple liked to take photographs of every romantic activity when they did it together. They rode naked on the back of a powerful stallion. He rode behind her as the couple mounted the horse. They would ride naked in the night. They were performers at their erotic romance writing retreat in the nudist colony. The couple was kissing with erotic passion. Her wide open lips were wet and throbbing with lust as her lips met his cheeks. Her naked body was pulsating with pleasure. She stood before him with her nude female flesh exposed to his naked eyes. They were now going to be together in the romantic dance of seduction. They were called to the dance floor at the nudist colony party to partner dance. He put his hand inside her hand. The temptation was there. The music was pounding and the rhythmic drums were pumping waves of emotion into both of them. Her lusty eyes looked at him with a penetrating stare. Fionna’s naked skin pressed against Dick as they came together to dance. Dick faced Fionna and he held her tight. His naked rippling muscles pushed against her firm aroused female flesh. Dick danced with his wife Fionna. Then he grabbed the guitar to stroke a few chords of ecstasy. Another man was pounding the drums while Fionna danced naked in front of the live audience. Fionna made harmony with Dick. The throbbing beat made her explode with excitement and pleasure. He touched her deep inside with his music. He made love to her with his instrument. Each stroke of the guitar was like a motion of erotic love. Dick made her feel as if her body was quivering inside. Rivers of love and lust flooded from her heart as she thrust her hips in a swaying motion of dance. She licked her lips with her hot wet tongue. She thought of the sensual food that she was about to eat. Dick clapped his hands in the air. Immediately a bevy of naked young women and lean muscular men entered the room with hot sticky sweats to devour. The men entered through the rear. The back hallway behind Fionna was delicate and small like a woman. They came inside of Fionna’s feminine archway. The men were inside of her tiny hidden space. The handsome men were coming from behind entering the tight narrow hallway sliding into her room seductively. They entered her secret corridors where pleasure and happiness alway erupted in laughter. Now Fionna’s wet naked body tingled all over when she tasted the delicate desserts that the men were serving her. She licked and sucked at the delicious food. She sucked hard at the huge pastries and sausages. Some of the juice from the sausages dripped onto her skin and Fionna had to rub her delicate female flesh vigorously. The forbidden desire for more to eat was a lustful temptation and an erotic urge that she could not satisfy. As the handsome muscle men entered her back door entrance they came quickly. They came from the back to bring Fionna more sweats to taste. They gave it to her. It was a large loaf of bread as long as a man’s forearm. The server thrust his long knife into the bread. He began to penetrate the loaf of bread in a hypnotic sawing motion until he broke off a piece. Then he used the butter to soak the buns and rolls. As his long knife was sliding through the butter Fionna became excited and she could feel a throbbing sensation of anticipation. Suddenly, one of the servant boys dropped the hot buttered buns on Fionna’s naked lap. She cried out in immediate pain. Her pleasure was interrupted with a torturous pain. Dick felt that he had to take action. Dick bound the servant boy in ropes and chains. Dick took out his long leather whip and began to stroke the lashes of the whip across the young servant boy’s back. Dick chastised the younger boy with a spanking. Dick beat into him as the sweat poured from his naked rippling muscular young body. Dick pounded his fist into the young boy as he punished him. Dick kept pumping his fist into the young handsome boy’s back as he tortured him out of anger. The boy moaned in pain. Dick swelled with throbbing sensations of pleasure as he stroked the whip across the boy’s back. The boy was really getting it now! The boy was bound naked and tortured. Dick exploded with rage. Dick was glad that the clumsy boy got what he deserved for spilling the hot butter on his wife’s buns in front of everyone at the nudist colony party. The fire burned inside her heart. Her desire to dance naked in the candle light lingering inside her. She was blazing with the heat of desire and lust to eat and dance. Dick and Fionna would come together again at another erotic romance poetry meeting tomorrow night. Now there would be another bundle of short stories. One would be murder mystery with contemporary romance, another would be fantasy fiction land of werewolves and vampires and a third would be science fiction stories about crimes in an urban futuristic society. This is an erotic bundle of short stories written by members of a nudist colony. The couple will travel to remote parts of world and visit naked tribes and nudist colonies in exotic locations. The stories will continue with the same characters in the other e-books by Fionna and Dick Free Man. Dick and Fionna Free Man is a pen name for one writer with both a masculine and a feminine side. There are many elements of murder mystery BDSM, fetish sex, vampires, werewolves, fantasy fiction, sci-fi, pleasure, lust, desire, temptation, passion and seduction! Dick and Fionna are a make believe married couple with a fictional daughter named Fanny. Look for erotic romance e-books by Dr. Fionna Free Man Sex Therapist. Also e-book author called Willa B. Free does Erotic photography of nude couples in exotic location and famous landmark in all 50 states. The couple writes about sex stories, love, smut, temptation, desire, lust, seduce, forbidden, fetish, romance, kissing, touch, aroused, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, come read them all! Reading this book is like a sip of water in the desert. Her words complete a great feat. Her e-books are comfort to the soles of those wondering the wasteland of erotic, self-help, and fitness books. Reading this e-book is similar to receiving a life saving pill. This book is life altering and eye-opening. Once you realize the themes expressed in this e-book the feeling will be similar to taking a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a coffin! The basic expression of ideas is as eye opening as lighting a candle in a cold dark room. The candle is truth and obvious common sense. Once you have read this e-book that candle just may stay lit as long as you live! Erotic Photography Gallery Dick and Fionna loved to take naked photographs of themselves naked and put the nude photos in their internet erotic photography gallery. Dick would pose for Fionna baring his rippling muslces and bulging bicepts. His throbbing male flesh glistened in the moonlight. The candlelight flickered and painted Fionna’s naked body with firelight. She stood nude and shimmering with hot wet sweat as Dick took her picture. They would take pictures of other couples in the nude at the nudist colony. There would be many more romance stories to tell as well as murder mysteries to solve. The camera was different from the strokes of the paintbrush.  The camera would reveal so much more detail.  However artists would argue that the strokes of the brush reach deeper into the soul of the nude woman than the flashes of a camera.  The camera was a huge naked eye that never blinked by accident.  The machine could be controlled and manipulated in the palm of the hands.  The paintbrush could touch the wet warm and moisture of the nude image.  The painter could feel more with his hands than the photographer who stands far away and snaps a picture. The photographer only touches metal and plastic instead of the wet paint that physically makes the image of the nude woman.  She stood nude in front of his penetrating stare.  Her naked flesh was heating up. The candles painted.  The artist’s paintbrush strokes were passionate caresses of light and heat upon her naked female flesh. She quivered with longing and orgasmic pleasure.  He gazed into her eyes as her pupils enlarge.  She began to moan and sigh into the hot steamy darkness of the summer night.  He stroked her.  Each stroke was thrusting into her, the image of this beautiful naked woman.  Her thighs glistened with moisture as he stroked her.  His hands now rubbed into the sticky wetness.  He touched her deep inside as he stroked her fragile feminine frame.  All night he gazed at her naked body until he had memorized and stroked every inch of her elegant structure.  She let her robe fall to the floor. The queen had let go of her inhibitions.  She let her hair down.  Her breasts were bare and exposed to the full moon. The delicate curve of her backside revealed itself to the expert eyes of the man who would soon learn every part of her anatomy.  Now she would position herself to lie on the opulent bed.  She would allow the silk and lace fall in a puddle to the floor of her bedchamber.  The sound of his strokes lashing and splashing wet puddles upon the image of her nude body filled the bedroom.  Today the nude art model was a female from one of the college classes on nude art photography.  Her firm round breasts protruded the erect and aroused female flesh of an eager student.  She wanted to learn how to pose for the artistic nude.  She was given instructions to place her hands on her naked body in esthetically pleasing ways.  She placed her hand on her thigh and spread her legs slowly.  The shaved female loins were covered with the shadow of her hand.  She was told to caress her breasts with both hands.  She felt her hands move all over her body like the penetrating touch of her lover.  He stared deep inside her now.  He would shoot her in the darkness with only the shadowy darkness to cover her naked body.  He would shoot her as he looked into her eyes gazing at her excited glance.  He would shoot her as the moist fluid of labor poured from him and her while they worked.  The spotlights would be too penetrating, so just the full moon would have to satisfy their needs.  The moonlight would reveal just enough of the females subject’s breast, buttocks and loins to be provocative and seductive without going too far.  They would have to go very far into the early morning hours to capture the sunrise.  He would rise stretching his firm male member over her as the sunrise gleamed in her eyes.  List if Erotic Romance e-books by Dick & Fionna LIST OF DICK & FIONNA FREE MAN EROTIC E-BOOKS 40 DIFFERENT E-BOOKS AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE E-BOOKS ARE SOLD Office Erotica: Male Secretary Sex Slave Female Boss Erotic Stories: Mary Had a Little Lamb Sex Stories Murder: Vampires Erotica Snow White Grimm Fairy Tales Erotica: War of the Worlds Sex Erotica Stories: Fast Car Chase Furious Surrender Erotica Murder Mystery: Beauty & The Beast Vampire Werewolf Erotica: Rumpelstilzchen Masquerade Student & Teacher Love Erotica: Pride & Prejudice Mansfield Murder Erotica: The Tale of Two Cities Murder Mystery Nude Photos: Billie Erotic Superhero: BDSM 1 Jock Erotic Sleeping Beauty: Dukes Double Date Private Detectives: Double Murder, Temptation Nude French Kissing Menage: Tongue Raunchy Moby Dick Tentacle BDSM (Sex on the Beach) Naked Threesome Dirty Stories: 2 Arrows 1 Bow (Lusty Beau) Fetish Erotic: College School Girl Buddies Sex, Love, Music, Murder Wuthering Heights Sex Stories (Vampires Dick Free Man Lust Double Duty Sex Stories: Come From The Back Puss in Boots: Shaved Pussy Cat Tale Bite Adam's Apple: Forbidden Fruit (Vampire Erotica) Crime Sex Tape TV Star Murder Naked Club Date: Jennifer BDSM Murder Dominatrix Fetish Naked Sex Movie Stories Pleasure, Sex Nailed Twin Double Identity: 2 Juicy Women 1 Hot Man Casanova Work Erotica: Double Shift BDSM Sizzling Heat Smut: French Kissing Menage Sex (e-book title by Dick Free Man) Love (e-book title by Dick Free Man) Sex Appetite Double Serving: New York Central Park Naked Menage Murder Naked Photo Shoot Stories Murder & Fantasy Fiction